Saturday, January 14, 2017




The first stamp catalog was published in France by Oscar Berger-Levrault on 17 September 1861 and the first illustrated catalog by Alfred Potiquet in December 1861.

Older catalogs are still widely used by collectors as they may contain information not found in current catalogs.

Originally catalogs were just dealers' price lists. Catalogs give additional supporting details about the stamps, such as dates of issue, color variations, and so forth.

Catalouges published annually having worldwide coverage:
Michel - printed, software and online
Scott - printed, pdf-format and online
Stanley Gibbons - printed and online
Yvert et Tellier - printed only

In India we have
PHILCENT India Guide book
But annual editions not available.

free online catalouge available include: - here you get various catalouge numbers for same stamp.

Happy Collecting!!

List of stamp catalogues
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
·         Afinsa (Portugal)
·         Anfils (Spain)
·         Australasian stamp catalogue (Australia)
·         Austria Netto Katalog (ANK) (Austria)
·         BALE (Israel)
·         Barefoot Catalogue (Revenues)
·         Bolaffi (Italy)
·         Borek (World catalogue)
·         Brusden-White (Australia)
·         Burak Pul Evi Kataloğu - Spesyalize Türk Pullari Kataloğu (Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog of Turkey)
·         Burak Pul Evi Yayinlari - Ilk Türk Pullari / Tugrali Pullar (The First Turkish Stamps Stamps with the monogram of the Sultans)
·         Campbell Paterson (New Zealand)
·         CEI (Italy)
·         Cérès (France)
·         Chuchin, F.G. (Russia - Zemstvos)
·         Colnect (on-line only)
·         Dallay (France)
·         Domfil (Spain)
·         Edifil (Spain)
·         Facit catalog (all countries of Scandinavia)
·         Fischer catalog (Poland)
·         Find Your Stamps Value (specializing in US, GB, Russia and Germany stamps)
·         Freestampcatalogue
·         Froede (Germany, active to 1941)
·         Hermes (Greece)
·         Hibernian (Ireland)[2]
·         Holmes (Canada, published from 1935 to 1968)
·         Inoubli (Tunisia)
·         Isfila (Turkey)
·         Jacobs, V.A. (Russia - USSR special catalogue)
·         JB Catalogue (Malta)
·         JSCA Nissen Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog (Japan)
·         JSDA Japanese Stamp Catalogue (Japan)
·         LAPE (Finland)[3]
·         Lipsia (until 1990), only stamp catalog of the DDR. (Editor: Verlag Transpress Leipzig, DDR)
·         Livingston "Catalog of the Shanghai Postal System" (Wei-Liang Chow 2nd edition 1990)/(L.F. Livingston First edition 1971)
·         MacDonnell Whyte (Stamps of Ireland Specialised Catalogue)
·         Magyar Posta és Illetékbélyeg Katalógus (Hungary)
·         Maury (France), A specialized catalog of France formed from the combination of Cérès and Dallay
·         Michel catalog (Germany)
·         Minkus (USA, active until 2004)
·         Newfoundland specialized stamp catalogue (Canada)
·         Ngo’s Catalogue of Philippine Republic Stamps & Postal Stationeries (Philippine)
·         Norgeskatalogen (Norway)
·         Norma Norma [year] – a specialized catalog of Finland postage stamps published annually, tri-lingual (Finnish, Swedish, English)[3]
·         NVPH Speciale Catalogus (The Netherlands & colonies)
·         OBP-COB (Belgium)
·         Phila India (India)
·         Philex (Germany)
·         Pofis catalogue (Czechoslovakia)
·         Postage Stamps Catalogue of the People's Republic of China (China), China Posts and Telecom Press
·         Prifix (Luxembourg)
·         Pulko (Turkey)
·         Pulko Osmali İmpararatorluğu ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Posta Pullari Kataloğu (Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey Postage Stamp Catalog)
·         Pulhan: Türk Pullari Kataloğu (Turkey Postage Stamp Catalog)
·         Richard Zimmermann Catalog (The joint stamp issues catalog)
·         Ruch catalog (Poland)
·         Sakura Catalogue of Japanese Stamps (Japan)
·         Sanabria's Air Post Catalogue (Worldwide airmail stamps; last full catalog, 1966; partial, 1972)
·         Sassone (Italy)
·         Schiffer catalog: Catálogo de Selos do Brasil (Brazil)
·         Scott catalogue (USA)
·         Sellos postales argentinos: 1856-2010 (Argentina)
·         Standard Catalogue of Maylaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Steven Tan, International Stamp & Coin Sdn. Bhd.
·         V.U. Soloviev (Russia)
·         Siddiqui Stamps Catalogue (Pakistan)
·         The South African stamp colour catalogue (South Africa)
·         Stanley Gibbons (Great Britain)
·         Suriwongse (Sakserm) until 2004 (Thailand)
·         Thai Stamps Catalogue (Thailand), Somchai Saeng-Ngern
·         Taiwan Color Catalogue, Alex Yeh[1]
·         Umungwan Korean Postage Stamp Catalogue (South Korea)
·         Unificato (Italy)
·         Yang (Hong Kong, Liberated areas, PRC)[1]
·         Yvert et Tellier (France)
·         Zagorsky Standard Collection (Russia)
·         Zonnebloem (Netherlands, Indonesia, Israel, Surinam, United Europe)
·         Zumstein (Switzerland)

1 comment:

  1. You shared STAMP CATALOUGE, it's very wonderful. Thank you for sharing

